
  • 上海交通大学焊接与激光制造研究所,是我国最早建立焊接专业的研究所之一,是国家首批授予博士点、硕士点、博士后流动站单位;其前身是成立于1959年的上海交通大学焊接教研室,2002年该教研室改名为上海交通大学焊接工程研究所,2009年通过学科梯队调整并成立上海交通大学焊接与激光制造研究所。上海交通大学焊接与激光制造研究所是集教育、理论研究、焊接与激光制造技术研究与...


  • 2011年论文列表
    1. Mechanical properties and wear resistance of aluminum composite welded by electron beam, Kun Peng, Haichao Cui, Fenggui Lu *, Xiaomin Wu, Xinhua Tang, Shun Yao, Songnian Lou, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 21-9(2011):1925-1931.

    2. Synthesis of Fe–Ni–B–Si–Nb amorphous and crystalline composite coatings by laser cladding and remelting, Peilei Zhang*, Hua Yan, Chengwu Yao, Zhuguo Li, Zhishui Yu, Peiquan Xu, Surface and Coatings Technology, 206-6(2011):1229-1236.

    3. Sliding friction and wear behaviors of surface-coated natural serpentine mineral powders as lubricant additive, Baosen Zhang*, Yi Xu, Fei Gao, Peijing Shi, Binshi Xu, Yixiong Wu, Applied Surface Science, 257-7(2011):2540-2549.

    4. CU nanoparticles effect on the tribological properties of hydrosilicate powders as lubricant additive for steel–steel contacts, Baosen Zhang*, Binshi Xu, Yi Xu, Fei Gao, Peijing Shi,   Yixiong Wu, Tribology International, 44-7(2011): 878-889.

    5. Effects of preheating temperature on cold cracks, microstructures and properties of high power laser hybrid welded 10Ni3CrMoV steel, L.H. Hu, J. Huang*, Zhuguo Li, Yixiong Wu, Materials & Design, 32-4(2011): 1931-1939.

    6. Toughening of Fe-based laser-clad alloy coating, Chengwu Yao*, Jian Huang, Peilei Zhang, 

    7. Zhuguo Li, Yixiong Wu, Applied Surface Science, 254-6(2011): 2184-2192.

    8. High strength-elongation product of Nb-microalloyed low-carbon steel by a novel quenching-partitioning-tempering process, S. Zhou, K. Zhang, Y. Wang, J.F. Gu, Y.H. Rong*, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528-27(2011): 8006-8012.

    9. Effects of heat treatments on laser welded Mg-rare earth alloy NZ30K, Jun Dai, Jian Huang*, 

    10. Min Lia, Zhuguo Li, Jie Dong, Yixiong Wu, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 529-25(2011): 401-405.

    11. Corrosion behavior of SS316L in simulated and accelerated PEMFC environments, Kai Feng, 

    12. Guosong Wu, Zhuguo Li*, Xun Cai*, Paul K. Chu*, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36-20(2011): 13032-13042.

    13. Silver implanted 316L stainless steel as bipolar plates in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, Kai Feng, Zhuguo Li*, Xun Cai*, Paul K. Chu*, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126-1(2011): 6-11.

    14. Improvement of corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity of 304 stainless steel using close field unbalanced magnetron sputtered carbon film, Weihong Jin, Kai Feng, Zhuguo Li*, Xun Cai, Lei Yu, Danhua Zhou, Journal of Power Sources, 196-23(2011): 10032-10037.

    15. A comparative study of laser beam welding and laser-MIG hybrid welding of Ti-Al-Zr-Fe titanium alloy, Ruifeng Li, Zhuguo Li*, Yanyan Zhu, Lei Rong, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528-3(2011): 1138-1142.

    16. Effect of Ni-to-Fe ratio on structure and properties of Ni-Fe-B-Si-Nb coatings fabricated by laser processing, Ruifeng Li, Zhuguo Li*, Jian Huang, Peilei Zhang, Yanyan Zhu, Applied Surface Science, 257-8(2011): 3554-3557.

    17. Tribological properties of the nano-metal/phyllosilicate composite as lubricant additive, Y. Xu, B. S. Zhang, B. S. Xu, F. Gao, P. J. Shi*, Journal of Functional Materials, 42-8(2011): 1368-1371.

    18. Direct exfoliation of graphene in organic solvents with addition of NaOH, W. W. Liu, J. N. Wang*, Chemical Communications, 47- 24(2011): 6888-6890.

    19. Thermodynamic characteristics and tribological properties of lanthanum/serpentine composite lubricating material, Y. Xu, B. S. Zhang, B. S. Xu, F. Gao, P. J. Shi, B. Zhang*, Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy, 16-3(2011): 349-354.

    20. Self-repairing effect of natural mineral powders as a lubricating additive on steel tribopairs, B. S. Zhang, B. S. Xu, Y. Xu, F. Gao, P. J. Shi, Y. X. Wu*, Tribology, 31-3(2011): 289-294. 

    21. [18] Preparation of natural laminar hydrosilicate powders and their tribological properties as Lubricant additive under point-contact conditions, B. Zhang, Y. Xu, F. Gao, B. Xu, Y. Wu*, Advanced Science Letters, 4-3(2011): 1270-1275.

    22. XPS study on nanoporpous structured TiO2, J. Gu, M. Wen, G. Liu, J. Lü*, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 40-3(2011): 523-525.

    23. Formation and mechanical properties of in situ tribo-chemical reaction film on surface of 45 steel, Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, B. S. Zhang, Y. b. Xu, B. S. Xu, F. Gao, P. J. Shi, Y. X. Wu*, 32-1(2011): 87-91.

    24. Sliding friction and wear behaviors of surface-coated natural serpentine mineral powders as lubricant additive, B. Zhang, Y. Xu, F. Gao, P. Shi, B. Xu, Y. Wu*, Applied Surface Science, 257-7(2011): 2540-2549.

    25. 钢表面原位摩擦化学反应膜形成过程及力学性能, 张保森, 许一, 徐滨士, 高飞, 史佩京,吴毅雄, 材料热处理学报,  32-1(2011): 87-91.

    26.  热丝TIG焊方法最新研究进展, 赵福海,华学明,叶欣,吴毅雄, 热加工工艺, 40-3(2011): 151-155.

    27. 不同熔透状态下高功率CO2激光堆焊光致等离子体特征分析,蔡艳,戎磊,孙大为,李国华,吴毅雄,上海交通大学学报, 1(2011): 56-60.

    28. 10Ni3CrMoVT型接头CO2激光复合焊工艺与组织, 胡连海,黄坚,倪慧峰,吴毅雄, 中国激光, 3(2011): 97-102.

    29. 基于ZigBee技术的焊接电源群组化监测系统设计, 朱俊杰,杨成本,蔡艳,吴毅雄,王嘉寅,電焊機,  41-1(2011): 24-27.

    30. 殷瓦薄板高速激光焊接的热裂纹敏感性, 倪加明,李铸国,吴毅雄, 中国激光, 4(2011): 76-80.

    31. TiO2纳米孔结构的XPS研究, 顾剑锋,闻明,刘刚,吕坚, 稀有金属材料与工程, 40-3(2011): 523-525.

    32. 6061-T6铝合金高速高功率CO2激光填丝焊接性的研究,翟玉峰,黄坚,李敏,陈洁,杨模聪, 中国激光, 5(2011): 80-85.

    33. 激光制备Fe-Ni基非晶复合涂层及退火性能分析,张培磊,李铸国,姚成武,于治水,闫华,焊接学报, 32-4(2011):13-16.

    34. 激光焊接熔池流动性试验研究,崔海超,芦凤桂,唐新华,姚舜,中国激光, 6(2011):100-105

    35. 天然矿物微粉润滑添加剂对钢摩擦副的自修复效应,张保森,徐滨士,许一,高飞,史佩京,摩擦学学报, 31-3(2011): 289-294.

    36. 层状硅酸盐润滑材料对铁基摩擦副的自修复效应,张保森,许一,徐滨士,高飞,史佩京,功能材料, 7 (2011): 1301-1304.

    37. 偏心圆环淬火过程的数值模拟,周志方,王晓燕,顾剑锋,机械工程学报, 47(2011): 62-66.

    38. /蛇纹石复合润滑材料的热力学及摩擦学性能,许一,张保森,徐滨士,高飞,史佩京,粉末冶金材料科学与工程, 2011, 16(3): 349-354.

    39. 纳米金属/层状硅酸盐复合润滑添加剂的摩擦学性能,许一,张保森,徐滨士,高飞,史佩京,功能材料, 42-8( 2011): 1368-1371.

    40. 电子束焊接铝基复合材料接头的力学性能及耐磨损性能,彭坤,崔海超,芦凤桂,吴晓敏,唐新华,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 21-9(2011): 1925-1931.

    41. 基于动态小窗Hough变换法的焊缝特征直线提取,邓景煜,张轲,秦涛,金鑫,焊接学报, 32(2011): 37-40.

    42. 微弧氧化层对铝和不锈钢界面高温扩散行为的影响,左振龙,唐新华,芦凤桂,姚舜,热加工工艺, 40-22(2011): 140-142.

    43. 高强钢激光复合焊接T型接头组织分析,倪加明,李铸国,黄坚,倪慧峰,黄海谷,热加工工艺,  40-21(2011): 111-113.

    44. 激光熔覆和重熔制备Fe-Ni-B-Si-Nb系非晶纳米晶复合涂层,张培磊,闫华,徐培全,于治水,李铸国,中国有色金属学报, 2011, 21(11): 2846-2851.

    45. 异种镁合金AZ31NZ30K激光焊接接头分析,隗成澄,黄坚,戴军,董杰,中国激光, 12 (2011): 59-64.

    46. 纳米压痕法用于人下颌骨弹性模量的测量,辛鹏飞,聂璞林,王旭东,沈国芳,杨丹苓,口腔颌面外科杂志, 21-6(2011): 398-402.

    47. 超高强度热成形钢电阻点焊的数值模拟,郑文,王敏,孔谅,程轩挺,孙游,上海交通大学学报, 7 (2012): 1074-1078.

    48. 超高强热成形钢板电阻点焊接头性能,杨柳,程轩挺,孙游,吴嘉元,王敏,全国焊接学术会议, 2011.

    49. 国内外搅拌摩擦点焊的研究进展,董涛,王朗,陆昌进,王敏,现代焊接, 2 (2012): 1-3.

    版权所有:2014年 上海交通大学激光制造与材料改性重点实验室    (沪交ICP备05180    邮编:200240    电话:021-000000

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