
  • 上海交通大学焊接与激光制造研究所,是我国最早建立焊接专业的研究所之一,是国家首批授予博士点、硕士点、博士后流动站单位;其前身是成立于1959年的上海交通大学焊接教研室,2002年该教研室改名为上海交通大学焊接工程研究所,2009年通过学科梯队调整并成立上海交通大学焊接与激光制造研究所。上海交通大学焊接与激光制造研究所是集教育、理论研究、焊接与激光制造技术研究与...


  • 2013年论文列表
    1. Effect of gap on plasma and molten pool dynamics during laser lap welding for T-joints, Wei Meng, Zhuguo Li*, Jian Huang, Yixiong Wu, Rui Cao, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69 (2013) 1105-1112.

    2. Effect of Heat Treatment on Niobium Segregation of Laser Cladded IN718 Alloy Coating, Yaocheng Zhang, Zhuguo Li*, Pulin Nie, Yixiong Wu, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44 (2013) 708-716.

    3. Effect of Cooling Rate on the Microstructure of Laser-Remelted Inconel 718 Coating, Yaocheng Zhang, Zhuguo Li*, Pulin Nie, Yixiong Wu, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44 (2013) 5513-5521.

    4. Carbide and nitride precipitation during laser cladding of Inconel 718 alloy coatings, Yaocheng Zhang, Zhuguo Li*, Pulin Nie, Yixiong Wu, Optics & Laser Technology, 52 (2013) 30-36.

    5. Effect of ultra-rapid cooling on microstructure of laser cladding IN718 coating, Yaocheng Zhang, Zhuguo Li*, Pulin Nie, Yixiong Wu, Surface Engineering, 29 (2013) 414-418.

    6. Effect of Precipitation on the Microhardness Distribution of Diode Laser Epitaxially Deposited IN718 Alloy Coating, Yaocheng Zhang, Zhuguo Li*, Pulin Nie, Yixiong Wu, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 29 (2013) 349-352.

    7. Analysis of nucleation of carbide (Cr, Fe)7C3 in the Cr3C2/Fe-CrNiBSi composite coating, Youlu Yuan, Zhuguo Li*, Surface & Coatings Technology, 228 (2013) 41-47.

    8. Microstructure and Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Fe-Based (Cr,Fe)7C3 Composite Coating Fabricated by PTA Welding Process, Youlu Yuan, Zhuguo Li*, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 22 (2013) 3439-3449.

    9. Effect of input current modes on intermetallic layer and mechanical property of aluminum-steel lap join obtained by gas metal, Yongchao Su, Xueming Hua*, Yixiong Wu, Materials Science & Engineering A, 578 (2013) 340-345.

    10. Quantitative characterization of porosity in Fe-Al dissimilar materialslap joint made by gas metal arc welding with different current modes, Yongchao Su, Xueming Hua*, Yixiong Wu, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214 (2013) 81-86.

    11. Study on welding process and prosperities of AA5754 Al-alloy welded by double pulsed gas metal arc welding, Anhua Liu, Xinhua Tang*, Fenggui Lu, Materials & design, 33 (2013) 149-155.

    12. Weld pool profile characteristics of Al-alloy in double pulsed GMAW, Anhua Liu, Xinhua Tang*, Fenggui Lu, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68 (2013) 2015-2023.

    13. Effect of electric current pulse on flow behavior of Al melt in parallel electrode process, Xibin Li, Fenggui Lu*, Haichao Cui, Xinhua Tang, Materials Science and Technology, 29 (2013) 226-233.

    14. An Iterative Approach for Kinetics Parameter Determination Under Anisotropic Growth and Constant Heating Rate Condition, Yulong Zhang, Jianfeng Gu*, Physics Procedia, 50 (2013) 348-359.

    15. Evolution behavior of TiB2 particles during laser welding on aluminum metal matrix composites reinforced with particles, Chao Meng, Haichao Cui, Fenggui Lu*, Xinhua Tang, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 23 (2013) 1543-1548.

    16. Effect of microstructure of TiN film on properties as bipolar plate coatings in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell prepared by inductively coupled plasma assisted magnetron sputtering, Kai Feng, Zhuguo Li*, Thin Solid Films, 544 (2013) 224-229.

    17. Structure and corrosion resistance properties of Ni–Fe–B–Si–Nb amorphous composite coatings fabricated by laser processing, Ruifeng Li, Zhuguo Li*, Yanyan Zhu, Kai Qi, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580 (2013) 327-331.

    18. High power diode laser cladding of Fe–Co–B–Si–C–Nb amorphous coating: Layered microstructure and properties, Yanyan Zhu, Zhuguo Li*, Ruifeng Li, Min Li, Kai Feng, Yixiong Wu, T. Wada, H. Kato, Surface and Coatings Technology, 235 (2013) 699-705.

    19. Microstructure and property of Fe–Co–B–Si–C–Nb amorphous composite coating fabricated by laser cladding process, Yanyan Zhu, Zhuguo Li*, Ruifeng Li, Min Li, Kai Feng, Yixiong Wu, Applied Surface Science, 280 (2013) 50-54.

    20. Properties of carbon film deposited on stainless steel by close field unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating, Weihong Jin, Kai Feng, Zhuguo Li*, Xun Cai*, Lei Yu, Danhua Zhou, Paul K. Chu, Thin Solid Films, 531 (2013) 320-327.

    21. C/CrN multilayer coating for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell metallic bipolar plates, Kai Feng, Zhuguo Li*, Hailin Sun, Lei Yu, Xun Cai, Yixiong Wu, Paul K. Chu, Journal of Power Sources, 222 (2013) 351-358.

    22. Microstructure evolution and kinetics analysis during tempering of mn-ni-mo nuclear power forging steel, MM Wang, LZ Han, JF Gu, International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 7 (2013) 159-163.

    23. Arc interference behavior during twin wire gas metal arc welding process, D Ye, X Hua, Y Wu, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 937094

    24. An iterative approach for kinetics parameter determination under anisotropic growth and constant heating rate condition, Y Zhang, J Gu, Physics Procedia, 50 (2013) 348-359.

    25. Numerical and experimental study of the effect of groove on plasma plume during high power laser welding, C Yan, Y Wu, DW Sun, YX Wu, Journal of Laser Applications, 25 (2013) 052005.

    26. Suppression effect of Cu and Ag on Cu3Sn layer in solder joints, C Yu, JS Chen, KY Wang, JQ Chen, H Lu, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 24 (2013) 4630-4635.

    27. Effects of aging treatment on laser-welded mg-rare earth alloy nz30k, J Dai, L Yang, L Li, G Guo, L Guo, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 219347.

    28. On the role of Ni in Cu precipitation in multicomponent steels, Q Liu, J Gu, W Liu, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 44 (2013) 4434-4439.

    29. Thermal analysis of injectable, cellular-scale optoelectronics with pulsed power, Y Li, X Shi, J Song, JA Rogers, Y Huang, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 469, 2013, 0142.

    30. Combination of TEM and 3D atom probe study of microstructure and alloy carbide in a Nb-V micro-alloyed steel tempered at 650 C, QD Liu, WQ Liu, SJ Zhao, Source of the DocumentMetals and Materials International, 19 (2013) 777-782.

    31. Effect of laser scanning speed on TiN/TiB-Ti based composite, M Li, J Huang, YY Zhu, ZG Li, YX Wu, Surface Engineering, 29 (2013) 346-350.

    32. Combination of TEM and 3D atom probe study of microstructure and alloy carbide in a Nb-V micro-alloyed steel tempered at 650 C, QD Liu, WQ Liu, SJ Zhao, Metals and Materials International, 19 (2013) 777-782.

    33. Weld seam edge extraction in X-ray images using an improved competitive fuzzy detector, T Tong, Y Cai, D Sun, Y Wu, China Welding, 22 (2013) 65-70.

    34. Arc profile characteristics of Al alloy in double-pulsed GMAW, A Liu, X Tang, F Lu, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 65 (2013) 1-7.

    35. Several fundamental researches on structural integrity of plasma-sprayed coating-based systems, X Zhang, Welding in the World, 57 (2013) 189-202.

    36. Material assignment in finite element modeling: Heterogeneous properties of the mandibular bone, P Xin, P Nie, B Jiang, G Hu, SGF Shen, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 24 (2013) 405-410.

    37. Weld pool profile characteristics of Al alloy in double-pulsed GMAW, A Liu, X Tang, F Lu, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68 (2013) 2015-2023.

    38. Material assignment in finite element modeling: Heterogeneous properties of the mandibular bone, P Xin, P Nie, B Jiang, G Hu, SGF Shen, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 24 (2013) 405-410.

    39. 铝合金电阻点焊研究现状及工业应用, 吴松, 王敏, 程轩挺, 吴嘉元, 孙游, 电焊机, 43 (2013) 10-16.

    40. 铝合金时效析出动力学及强化模型, 王晓娜, 韩利战, 顾剑锋, 中国有色金属学报, 23 (2013) 2754-2768.

    41. Ni60A+WC增强Fe基梯度涂层中M6C颗粒的析出特征研究, 袁有录, 李铸国, 稀有金属材料与工程, 42 (2013) 483-468.

    42. 我国热处理发展战略的探讨, 潘健生, 顾剑锋, 金属热处理, 38 (2013) 1-14.

    43. 含镀锌板的三层板点焊熔核形成机理研究, 唐虹, 李军锋, 宋清, 周鹏, 陆昌进, 王敏, 热加工工艺, 42 (2013) 141-144.

    44. 30Cr2Ni4MoV钢的奥氏体化动力学, 陈睿恺, 顾剑锋, 韩利战, 潘健生, 材料热处理学报, 34 (2013) 170-174.

    45. 基于球面拟合法的机器人与变位机位姿关系标定, 朱晓鹏, 张轲, 涂志强, 黄洁, 焊接学报, 34 (2013) 41-44.

    46. 三维模型重建中点云ICP拼接算法的改进, 涂志强, 张轲, 杨成龙, 朱晓鹏, 黄洁, 焊接学报, 34 (2013) 97-100.

    47. 智能热处理及其发展前景, 顾剑锋, 潘健生, 金属热处理, 38 (2013) 1-8.

    48. A508-3核电大锻件用钢连续冷却贝氏体的相变塑性, 刘飞, 韩利战, 顾剑锋, 潘健生, 材料热处理学报, 34 (2013) 32-36.

    49. P20模具钢的双层回火激光熔覆修复技术, 刘京, 李铸国, 姚成武, 中国表面工程, 26 (2013) 6-12.

    50. 合金元素对铁基激光熔覆涂层显微组织和相结构形态的影响, 聂斌英, 姚成武, 焊接学报, 34 (2013) 85-88.

    51. X射线衍射法测AM1镍基单晶合金的残余应力, 鞠明, 黄坚, 吴毅雄, 机械工程材料, 37 (2013) 99-102.

    52. 基于激光视觉传感的焊缝三维测量, 黄维, 孙大为, 蔡艳, 郑海钧, 热加工工艺, 42 (2013) 171-174.

    53. 厚板不锈钢激光填丝多道焊的接头组织分析, 王柏平, 赵勇, 黄坚, 中国激光, 40 (2013) 1-5.

    54. 基于连续谱修正的标准温度法的钨极惰性气体保护焊电弧温度场分析, 肖笑, 华学明, 李芳, 吴毅雄, 上海交通大学学报, 47 (2013) 766-774.

    55. 高功率激光模拟电弧烧蚀含氟化钙聚四氟乙烯的研究, 朱晓雯, 黄坚, 刘宇, Daniel PICCOZ, 绝缘材料, 46 (2013) 16-21.

    56. 基于改进Snake算法的坡口中光致等离子体图像分割, 谢文静, 蔡艳, 孙大为, 吴岳, 热加工工艺, 42 (2013) 175-179.

    57. 激光焊接颗粒增强铝基复合材料中TiB2颗粒的演变行为, 孟超, 崔海超, 芦凤桂, 唐新华, 中国有色金属学报, 23 (2013) 1543-1548.

    58. 镀锌三层板电阻点焊的数值模拟, 陆昌进, 唐虹, 姚其伟, 于淼, 沈青, 雷鸣, 焊接学报, 34 (2013) 105-108.

    59. 基于编码结构光的角焊缝视觉检测, 孙大为, 蔡艳, 佟彤, 吴毅雄, 焊接学报, 34 (2013) 47-50.

    60. R60702锆材CO2激光焊的气体保护及接头的组织、力学性能, 龙腾, 黄坚, 戴军, 机械工程材料, 37 (2013) 48-52.

    61. 原子探针层析技术(APT)最新进展及应用, 刘文庆, 刘庆冬, 顾剑锋, 金属学报, 49 (2013) 1025-1031.

    62. 大功率激光重熔Fe基非晶合金研究, 张培磊, 李铸国, 姚成武, 于治水, 闫华, 李崇桂, 上海市激光学会2013年学术年会论文集.

    63. 船用高强钢E36激光焊接接头组织和硬度特性的研究, 贾进, 杨尚磊, 倪维源, 白建颖, 丁波, 上海市激光学会2013年学术年会论文集.

    64. 原子探针层析技术(APT)最新进展及应用, 刘庆冬, 刘文庆, 顾剑锋, 第八届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议摘要.

    65. 激光穿透焊铝基复合材料粒子迁移研究, 崔海超, 芦凤桂, 李希斌, 唐新华, 王志远, 金鑫, 张悦,中国机械工程学会焊接学会第十八次全国焊接学术会议论文集——S02高能束及特种焊接.

    66. 摆动电弧窄间隙GMAW横焊研究, 蒋朝东, 崔海超, 芦凤桂, 唐新华, 王志远, 金鑫, 张悦, 中国机械工程学会焊接学会第十八次全国焊接学术会议论文集——S03熔焊工艺及设备.

    67. 焊接速度对CO2激光-GMAW-P复合焊接等离子行为及熔滴过渡影响研究, 张旺, 华学明, 廖伟, 李芳, 王敏, 中国机械工程学会焊接学会第十八次全国焊接学术会议论文集——S03熔焊工艺及设备.

    68. 铝合金电阻点焊研究现状及工业应用, 吴松, 王敏, 程轩挺, 吴嘉元, 孙游, 中国机械工程学会焊接学会第十八次全国焊接学术会议论文集——S01压力焊.

    69. 回填式搅拌摩擦点焊过程的数值模拟, 曹菊勇, 孔谅, 王敏, 郭立杰, 陆昌进, 中国机械工程学会焊接学会第十八次全国焊接学术会议论文集——S01压力焊.

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