
档次 合计篇数 序号 论文名称 发表期刊(名称、卷、期) 第一或通讯作者* 学院审核
A++ 1
A+ 1
A 1 A novel strategy to regulate the precipitation-strengthened high-entropy alloy fabricated by laser directed energy deposition Materials Characterization 215 (2024) 114191 蔡艳(通讯)
2 Microstructure evolution and formation mechanism of interfaces in parallel gap resistance welding of stranded Ag-plated Cu conductor to Ag interconnector Materials & Design 238 (2024) 112697 华学明(通讯)
3 In-situ regulation to tailor additive manufacturing of TiAl alloy with homogeneous fine fully lamellar colony Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 55A (2024) 4323-4329 华学明(通讯)
4 High cycle fatigue properties of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy additively manufactured via twin-wire directed energy deposition-arc Materials Characterization 218 (2024) 114526 华学明(通讯)
5 Liquefaction Characteristics and Cracking Behavior of the Grain Boundaries and Interdendritic Regions in Non-Weldable K447A Superalloy During Laser Re-Melting Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 55 (2024) 3492-3508 黄坚(通讯)、姚成武(通讯)
6 Comparative study of intergranular acicular nano-precipitate evolution and their effects on creep failure behavior for BM and HAZ in a novel Fe-Ni-based alloy joint Materials Characterization 216 (2024) 114284 王亚琦(通讯)、芦凤桂(通讯)
7 The control of fully equiaxed microstructure in laser welding Al-mg-Er-Zr alloy Materials Characterization 219 (2025) 114597 崔海超(通讯)、芦凤桂(通讯)
8 Ultrafast Laser Induced Thickness-Limited Sintering of Metal Nanoparticles Film for Ultrathin Flexible Microelectronic Devices ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16(49), 68590–68600 李铸国(通讯)
9 Evolution of interfacial phases between Al alloy and high entropy alloy during annealing Materials Characterization, 2024, 211, 113890 陈科(通讯)
10 Macro-scale Compositional Inhomogeneity in Friction Stir Processed Mg–Al–Zn Cast Alloy and Its Effect on Mechanical Property Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 55 (5), 1550-1563 陈科(通讯)
B 1 Two types ofη phase synergistically improving the mechanical properties of LDED CoCrFeNiTi high-entropy alloy Journal of Materials Science, 2024, 59(39) 蔡艳(通讯)
2 The influence of adjustable ring-mode laser on the formation of intermetallic compounds and mechanical properties of ultra-thin Al-Cu lap welded joints Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 332(2024) 118537 蔡艳(通讯)
3 The effect of cooling rate on the precipitation behavior and fracture toughness of the η phase in LDED CoCrFeNiTi high-entropy alloy Materials Science and Engineering: A, 914(2024) 147172 蔡艳(通讯)
4 Precipitation behaviors of the rapidly-solidified CoCrFeNiTi high-entropy alloy during aging treatment Journal of alloys and compounds, 2024-01, Vol.970, p.172502,  蔡艳(通讯)
5 Instability monitoring of molten pool in pure copper laser welding based on a multi-scale cascade model and spatial optical signals Journal of Materials Processing Technology 333 (2024) 118581 蔡艳(通讯)
6 Effect mechanism of softening zone constraint on tensile failure of high-strength steel laser-welded joints Science and technology of welding and joining, 2024-10, Vol.29 (7-8), p.436-446 蔡艳(通讯)
7 Revealing the mechanism of crack initiation and propagation in CGHAZ of S690QL welded joints through low-temperature impact tests with gradient setting of pendulum angle Materials Letters, 2024, 367. 沐卫东(通讯)
8 Investigation on microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of twin wire-directed energy deposition-arc fabricated TiAl alloy regulated by the line energy Intermetallics 165 (2024) 108144 华学明(通讯)
9 Optimization of shape-forming accuracy in arc-striking and arc-extinguishing areas of weld bead by torch hovering for directed energy deposition-arc manufactured nickel aluminum bronze alloy component International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 131 (2024) 3957-3973 李芳(通讯)
10 An angle-driven parameter control model for corner paths in the DED-arc process of nickel aluminum bronze alloy International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 130 (2024) 5285-5298 李芳(通讯)
11 Modification of microstructure and mechanical properties for twin-wire directed energy deposition-arc fabricated Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloys via current regulation Materials Science and Engineering A 894 (2024) 146147 华学明(通讯)
12 Influence of redesigned electrode system on interfacial microstructures and thermal behaviors in resistance micro-welding of stranded conductor to interconnector  Journal of Materials Processing Technology 327 (2024) 118356 华学明(通讯)
13 Revealing the evolution of microstructure and tensile properties with deposition energy and shielding gas to achieve phase-balanced directed energy deposition of 2205 duplex stainless steel Materials Science and Engineering A 915 (2024) 147197 华学明(通讯)
14 The suppression of liquation cracking in the repair process of non-weldable K447A superalloys by laser surface remelting-assisted laser cladding Surface and Coatings Technology 2024.12,496(131637) 黄坚(通讯)、姚成武(通讯)
15 Effect of heat treatment on the anisotropic mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of laser powder bed fusion fabricated Inconel 625 Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 1001, 175087 冯凯(通讯)、李铸国(通讯)
16 Enhancing the strength and plasticity of laser powder bed fused NbMoTaW refractory high-entropy alloy via Ti alloying Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2024, 1001, 175043 冯凯(通讯)、李铸国(通讯)
17 Crystallographic Texture Control of Niti Alloy by Adjusting the Thermal Gradient of Laser Powder Bed Melting Materials Science and Engineering A, 2024, 912, 146970 肖飞(通讯)、冯凯(通讯)
18 Tuning of the mechanical properties of a laser powder bed fused eutectic high entropy alloy Ni30Co30Cr10Fe10Al18W2 through heat treatment Materials Science and Engineering A, 2024, 918, 147469 冯凯(通讯)、李铸国(通讯)
19 High Nitrogen Martensitic Stainless Steel Coating Fabricated by Laser Cladding with Enhanced Corrosion and Wear Resistance Surface & Coatings Technology, 2025, 496, 131598 冯悦峤(通讯)、李铸国(通讯)
20 Highly Stable and Reversible Coloration of Oxide Nanoparticles Film by Ultrafast-CW Laser Induced Band Engineering Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, 12(20), 2400148 李铸国(通讯)
21 Numerical simulation on pore formation and suppression for dual beam laser welding of sandwich structure International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 130(2024):6011-6025 邵晨东(通讯)、芦凤桂(通讯)
22 Peeling off behavior of centimeter-level molten pool subjected to subsonic tangential airflow during laser ablation process International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 228 (2024):125661 芦凤桂(通讯)
23 The formation control and microstructure evolution of macrosegregation in laser offset welding on steel-nickel dissimilar alloy Journal of Materials Processing Tech 332 (2024):118533 王亚琦(通讯)、芦凤桂(通讯)
24 Effect of ultra-fine grain zone on mechanical properties of CuCrZr-Hastelloy X bimetallic structure manufactured by laser-directed energy deposition Intermetallics 176 (2025):108550 王亚琦(通讯)、芦凤桂(通讯)
25 Formation and migration of bubbles under different laser oscillation paths during laser welding process of medium-thick Al alloy International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 239 (2025):126553 邵晨东(通讯)、芦凤桂(通讯)
26 Effect of alternating magnetic field on microstructures and mechanical properties of laser-welded Ti/Fe dissimilar alloy joint International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 135(2024):1171-1185 唐新华(通讯)
27 Study on the failure behavior of TA22 alloy welded joint with different microstructures under bending load Materials Letters 382 (2025):137911  邵晨东(第一)、王亚琦(通讯)、芦凤桂(通讯)
28 Engineering a superamphiphilic surface for enhanced interfacial bonding in metal-polymer hybrid structure Surface and Coatings Technology 494 (2024)) 131404 陈科(通讯)

Bulging Distortion of Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet on the Partially Penetrated Side of Non-Penetration Lap Laser Welding Joint

Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, (2024) 37:7 姚成武